Around 300 felines were found in a Pune loft, prompting metropolitan mediation after grievances from neighbors about unhygienic circumstances.
According to the police, one flat owner has been feeding the stray cats. Once they become healthy, the cats are released. However, the neighbours are troubled by the unhygienic conditions in society caused by the cats.
Talking with regards to this issue, Monitor Nilesh Jagdale said, "The proprietor of a condo in Wonder Abundance Society would frequently bring lost felines home and delivery them when the felines became sound... Because of this, many felines had gathered in the loft, making unhygienic circumstances, which upset the neighbors."
"The owner of a flat on the 9th floor has kept several cats in that flat, resulting in foul smells in the society. After the complaint, a team visited the flat and served notice to shift the cats," he added.
He stated that a notice was issued to the flat owner to release the cats within two days.
"The neighbors called the Metropolitan Organization, and its authorities arrived at the condo, reviewed the pads, and informed the proprietor that every one of the felines would be delivered in 2 days or less... No case has been enlisted at this point, and we will counsel our senior authorities and organization authorities to make a lawful move. The felines will go into the ownership of the Civil Partnership and will be rescued...,' he said.
The notice comes in response to concerns the society's residents raised regarding foul smells emanating from the ninth-floor apartment.